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How To Wash Your Sapphire Hair Clip-In Hair Extensions

27 Feb , 2020

Hooray! Welcome to the fabulous world of owning hair extensions! To expand the life and quality of your hair extensions it is crucial to learn how to properly care for them. Not to worry, we have created step by step instructions for washing hair extensions to ensure a long, healthy life. If you follow these steps to care for your hair extensions, they will remain full, luscious, shiny and smooth! Your Sapphire Hair Extensions will last you up to a year or longer depending on how they are cared for and how often they are worn.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair Extensions?

The less you wash, the longer they last! Trust us. Sapphire Hair Extensions are 100% Human Remy Hair – however, since the hair is not attached to your scalp like your natural hair, there is no natural oils. Therefore, washing hair extensions should be limited. The best way to know when to wash your hair extensions is when you feel that there is a lot of product buildup. For instance, they may feel stiff and weighed down or you may notice that they do not style the same way. This is when you know that it is time to wash your hair extensions. You can literally wear your extensions up to 25-30 times before washing, and even more if you do not use hairspray or other products. Again, the main rule of thumb is – washing hair extensions should be limited, the less you wash them the longer they will last. New Hair, New You! 

Watch Our Video Tutorial On How To Wash Your Clip-In Hair Extensions!

Step 1: Brush Your Hair Extensions

This is the most important step. Prior to washing hair extensions, you must ensure you brush them thoroughly. This prevent tangles while washing. If there are tangles, it will be much harder to remove them and can cause the hair to be pulled out from the weft.  Work through the tangles carefully from top to bottom without pulling the hair out. It is best to use a soft bristle brush or a wide-tooth comb when brushing out your hair extensions.

Step 2: Organize Your Wefts

After brushing, neatly place each weft on top of one another into a bundle. Line up all the wefts in the same direction, clips on the top – similar to the way you received the extensions.  This will help ensure that the hair extensions do not tangle with the clips.

Step 3: Prepare Your Sink

Use any sink of your choice, plug the drain and fill it up with Lukewarm water. The water should not be too hot or cold, it is crucial to ensure you have the perfect temperature when washing hair extensions. Put 2-3 pumps or a handful of shampoo and disperse into the water.

PRO TIP: Ensure that the shampoo you are using is sulfate and alcohol free and the shampoo is for coloured treated hair to ensure the color is not stripped.

Step 4: Shampoo

Shampoo each weft! Wash each weft one at a time to prevent tangling and ensure each weft is washed thoroughly. We recommend washing your hair extensions one at a time if there is a lot of product build up. If there are time constraints, then you can tie the top of the hair extensions with an elastic and wash the bundle carefully. You can dip the extensions into the water and slowly wash the hair with light strokes. Be gentle! Once they are washed set the extensions neatly on a towel and repeat until all the wefts are washed.

Step 5: Condition, Condition, Condition!

After washing hair extensions and all the wefts have been shampooed and rinsed, take a very generous amount of conditioner and apply it onto each weft from top to bottom. Gently massage the product into the hair ensuring it is generously lathered. Leave the conditioner on for 5-10 minutes… if you have time, leave the conditioner on the hair extensions for longer. Another rule – the longer the better!

Step 6: Quench the Thirst

Use a generous amount of deep conditioner from top to bottom and allow your hair extensions to quench their thirst. By following this step, you will ensure that your extensions remain soft and moisturized time after time. Because there are no natural oils in your hair extensions, this step is crucial to a long life! You may also wrap them up in a shower cap and leave it overnight-this will seal the moisture. Then, wash the hair extensions the following morning. Say hello to instantly softer and moisturized hair extensions.

PRO TIP: Follow this step every single time you wash your hair extensions!

Step 7: Rinse, Rinse, Rinse!

The next morning rinse out each weft ensuring that there is no conditioner left.  Do not leave your hair extensions with the slippery conditioner feel.  If you leave the conditioner in the hair it will weigh down your hair extensions, appear greasy, and be very difficult to style. So, ensure that the conditioner is thoroughly washed out. Use cold water as it will help close the cuticles of the hair and seal in the moisture. This is the same rule when washing your own natural hair!

Step 8: Dry Your Hair Extensions

Remove any remaining water from the hair extensions. You must not towel dry or rub your hair extensions with a towel. Try your best to air dry your extensions whenever possible. Neatly place your wefts onto a micro-fibre towel as it will absorb any extra water. A regular towel can roughen the hair extensions which can cause tangles and breakage. Gently pat any extra moisture from the hair after laying them flat on the micro-fibre towel.

When blow drying the hair extensions, ensure you’re using a heat protectant product and start from the top and work your way to the bottom. This will prevent the hair from becoming tangled and will allow for a smoother finish. Remember to always use heat protectant products prior to styling your extensions. Do not brush the hair extensions until they are about 80-90% dry. You may apply a small amount of hair oil to each weft, this will prevent frizz and leave you extensions feeling silky smooth.

Step 9: Comb / Brush Your Hair

Avoid combing or brushing wet hair extension, this leads to breakage and the hair being pulled out. Once your wefts are laid flat on a flat surface you can gently brush through the hair to ensure that they dry straight. If you are not comfortable, allow the extensions to completely dry and then brush them out. You can then style your extensions as desired but remember to always use a heat protectant spray! If you have brushed your wet hair extensions, let them dry and say hello to beautiful smooth hair extensions.

More tutorials, tips, & tricks coming soon!

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